12 Key Instruments
FingerpickPro consists of a collection of Instruments. The main ones are the 12 Key Instruments. These are in the keys of C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A# and B major, which also function as relative minor keys*.
*For simplicity's sake all references use only sharps, not flats. Also, if you are unfamiliar with relative minor keys you might like to read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_key
Each Key Instrument has all its functions laid out on a virtual keyboard interface. There are four main kinds of function:
- Keyswitches
- String Keys & Notes
- Strums
- Chromatic Keys

The Keyswitch Section (C-2 to B0)
- Here you select the chord you want from a total of 36 chords. When you select a keyswitch the notes relevant to that chord are ‘mapped’ to the Strings & Notes Section and the Strum Section. For each Key Instrument there is a Keyswitch Chart that shows which chord is assigned to each keyswitch.
Strings & Notes Section (C1 to C4)
- Here the notes of the selected chord are laid out on the String Keys. This means that there is one key on the keyboard that corresponds to each of the six strings on a guitar.
- There are also Additional Notes which are provided mainly to serve as simulated Hammer-On and Pull-Off notes, but are not restricted to this purpose.
- This section also contains the Auto-Bass Notes. These play the root and 5th notes of the chords, with three variations.
- This section also has keys assigned to Sundry Sounds consisting of various percussive slaps and knocks on the body of the guitar.
Strum Section (C#4 to B4)
- The Strum Section has the keys that trigger the various kinds of finger strums. You play a particular kind of strum simply by playing the key to which it is assigned, and that single key will trigger its particular down or up strum.
Chromatic Keys Section (C5 to G8)
- This section lays out the notes on the guitar in a piano style keyboard layout. This section always remains available regardless of any keyswitches that might be selected. More detail is given on this in the Muted Notes and Harmonics section of this manual.
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